Kicking off 50 years of TRAKKA celebrations, a group of TRAKKA Team and TRAKKA Family gathered in lush Glenworth Valley for a weekend of camping. We paid homage to Dave and Sally Berry, founders of the TRAKKA brand and recognised the incredible 5 decades of evolution.
The sense of community was apparent and felt like an even bigger version of our 2019 adventure to Birdsville. During the daily Happy Hour or BBQ breakfasts, the fire-side chat, discussions about trips, packing tips and personalised mods people had made over the years were at their best.
We had TRAKKA campers of all ages, shapes and sizes join us from SA, QLD, VIC, ACT and of course NSW. We missed a few special faces, who were out already adventuring around this incredible country. We look forward to catching up next one!
Huge thanks to Glenworth Valley Events Team for hosting, TRAKKA Team: Martin, Julianne and Allen for their help cooking, serving drinks, putting on the TRAKKA Trivia and good cheer over the weekend. An even bigger thank you to Mother Nature for not bringing the 120mL of proposed rain. We saw the sun shine and 35 TRAKKA vehicles in all their camping glory.
We have a small amount of exclusive TRAKKA 50th Anniversary merch that we will load on the website for sale in the coming days. We look forward to sharing a lot more of TRAKKA's history with you all over the year.

It really is a FAMILY! See TRAKKA photographer, Juris' full album HERE.
We'll leave you once again with a wonderful Ode to TRAKKA from Chris Grundoff, who joined us in Birdsville and recently updated from Trakkadu to Jabiru.
Reality rose from a dream
The Berry family formed a team
Phoenix like was born to soar
An exalted place in campers lore
Their Campervans became the best
Withstood and shone in everything test
Was not just vehicles they created
Of quality so highly rated
As people came in they were told
You’re family welcome to the fold
You now hold a special place
That others wish they could embrace
You’re now part of a special brand
Loved and admired throughout the land
Who are these people, what’s their name
Who graciously embrace their fame
Its TRAKKA and its they alone
Who sit upon the lofty throne
But they don’t gloat and they don’t boast
So lift your glass and raise a toast
To their family, to their team
And all of us who share their dream
For 50 circuits of the sun
TRAKKA has been number one
From all corners of the land they came
To Glenworth to embrace their fame
Share fire and and beers and telling tales
Your TRAKKA challenged never fails
Kath and I cannot be here
Though far away our thoughts are near
Yes we’re off in our Jabiru
To places old and places new
What better way to see our land
Transported by the TRAKKA brand
We salute you from afar
For what you make and who you are
While many people played their part
Anonymous but in our heart
A mention to the special few
Who helped our journey start anew
Alex who now steers the boat
Keeps dreams alive, the brand afloat
A credit to her family name
The product, service still the same
A special thanks to Julianne
Who helped us get into our van
Patient, helpful, warm and calm
Assists defusing false alarm
To help she walks the extra mile
Always service with a smile
Just as the skipper steers the boat
The guiding hand of Martin Poate
Calm and wise and always strong
Just knows what’s right and knows what’s wrong
Wth wisdom gained from many days
Experience what Marty says
When decisions are extremely tight
Guides you to the choice that right
And to staff behind the scenes
Delivering what TRAKKA means
We recognise you, join the ranks
Of those deserving of our thanks
Thank you TRAKKA and 3 cheers
May you rule another 50 years.
Want to take next step and become part of the TRAKKA Family? Get in touch